Online Positive Parenting Course

If you are looking for a more introductory approach to Positive Parenting that you can complete from the comfort of your own home, in your own time, this is the course for you.

My How to be a Calm, Present and Positive Parent Course is available online, via Thinkific (an online learning platform) and can be watched at a pace that suits you.

Once you have access to the course, you have that access for life and can watch and rewatch the videos as many times as you like. You are also able to download and print the resources, so you can continue to log in and learn as your child grows and develops.

The motivation behind the course was to provide support to parents to help them be the positive, calm and present parent they want to be whilst not sacrificing or forgetting who they are outside of being Mum and Dad. When I first became a parent I struggled with the loss of identity for myself, and the lack of time for me and my partner. Not only we were trying to figure out how to parent we were also trying to find time for each other in our new roles.

My online self study course provides an option for parents who want to learn more about positive parenting within a smaller budget. This ensures more families are able to access information and start putting strategies into practice that will transform the way they parent and how their families function.

I have created my own formula for positivity using the six Cs, which is the foundation for the introductory online course. For those parent who want to know more, work together on a more in depth basis or achieve results faster my door is always open for questions and enquiries!

This course is for you, if you…

  • Want to learn how to remain calm when your child is refusing to do something or having a meltdown 

  • Want a better relationship with your child 

  • Feel lost or aren’t sure how to respond and react in certain situations 

  • Want to understand how your own experiences and personality influence your parenting style and keep you in the same patterns of parenting 

  • Strive to encourage confidence, resilience and independence in your child 

  • Find yourself shouting, nagging or constantly saying no 

  • Want to enjoy your parenting journey and make the most of these precious moments with your child 

  • Are keen to make positive changes on a smaller budget

The course is split into different modules, each containing videos delivered by myself, The Positive Parent Coach. I work through each topic providing theory, research and examples of how these situations might present in practice. then we move on to how you might start to respond and implement positive strategies.

For parents who want to put into practice what they’ve learned and maximise their chances of seeing results, there are additional resources to support the videos and the option to complete a workbook alongside each topic discussed.

The cost of the online course with life time access is only £40 and this gets you full access to everything available. You are also welcome to contact me via email should you have any further questions.

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Topics I discuss in detail are:

🧠 Supporting Self Swareness and Conscious Parenting

🌟 My Unique Approach to Positive Parenting which not only sounds great in theory but actually works in practice! (Even if you have more than one child!)

💥 Power Struggles and unwanted negative behaviour and how to reduce or even eliminate these!

♥ Building a strong, deep relationship with your child where they learn to make the right choices because they want to, not because it’s what you want

😢 The importance of Emotions and how to introduce discussions around feelings in a way that is fun and not intense

🏠 How to prepare your child and support them through transitions and changes in their life

As you work through the course there will be opportunities for you to ask questions and start discussions under each section, and of course you can come back to the course as your child develops and grows into different stages. The cost of the Online Course is only £40 and this is a one off payment that gives you instant access. You will never be asked to pay more and your access will continue for as long as you want it.